Cogent and compelling analysis in this column.

There was a time when intelligent and sensible juries could be counted on to right these wrongs using relevant causes of action and admissible evidence. There was also a time when smart judges could be counted on to apply the law fairly and let said erstwhile intelligent and sensible juries do their job.

The sun is setting on that legal system. The legal profession is a leftist sinking ship. The average American juror - on whom we are supposed to rely - is an increasingly sub-literate tool of social media and a blindingly stupid culture, predisposed to buy into every error in thinking and faux bias claim this column properly identifies.

You've got to hand it to the leftists. They made sure the legal system rotted from the inside out, invisible to most people. Now it's all but hollowed out, and growing worse each day, with only the merest pretenses and ersatz forms of a system predicated on the rule of law.

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I can't say I disagree. Vivek might be on to something with the civics' test idea. I think the Framers knew what they were doing when they required property ownership to have a stake in the vote. Now, people just vote themselves other people's money -- as well as magical money that has never actually existed -- and we're sliding past Idiocracy directly into Hell.

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well said

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Add this gem to the list of "reasons why" the system is collapsing from the inside out.

Not a racial angle as such here but it's exquisite evidence of Marxist thought control, the thin, screedy camouflage of the professional race bullies. I'm sick and tired of keeping my mouth shut about it, frankly.


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While the article lays out the situations just as they happened, with backup explanations also given, I fear for the day when the same video footage can be constructed thru A.I. with the instruction to make the roles reversed and represented as actual truth as proof...THAT is when it's time for the Fireworks of "Ethnic Supremacy" will have its greatest and possibly LAST P.T.Barnum moment.

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how do you not have more followers?

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I'm an acquired taste, I guess. Today, I was worth $1.67 per hour.

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This could be because this is a PAID Subscription site.

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Lorda'mitey, Mister Jeff. You done told it all up, down, sideways and under. Don't let up and watch'yo 6. BTW: I would travel far and pay good money to sit in the audience while you and Pastor Jonathan Cahn discussed...everything... . He's in your neighborhood, right?

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Took me a while. Old and too busy tending to simple, but important matters. However, this is another fine one. I intend to share it with my close friends who likely will enjoy it immensely. I hope they will all subscribe. I consider it some of my best spent money.

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ORSON WELLES TALKS ABOUT THE police bureaucratic state https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crn_mPWd1HQ

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