Guess who the title comes from?

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"It's a funny thing...... after the fall of Communism, everybody in the world agreed that socialism was a failure. Everybody in the world -more or less- agreed that capitalism was a success. And every Capitalist country in the world apparently deduced from that, that what the West needed was more socialism."

-Milton Friedman, 1993 Cato Institute speech

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Guess who, indeed.

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No time left, I guess.

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Jeff, you often use the term "Deconstructed" in your work: "t’s a global system of neo-Feudalism dressed in the finery of familiar values that have been deconstructed"

I believe also you've referred to it as an "ism"

I know that they are academic terms. Would you mind either pointing to something that clearly lays it out or else writing a brief sentence or two about what that means, for us laymen?

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Expressed in the simplest terms, it is the dismantling of tradition and traditional western modes of thought through a critical investigation of language and logic.

It’s a form of radical skepticism that is based in certain ideas about language and how we engage with or even conceive of it. See Derrida and De Man.

Derrida is the originator and used this maneuver playfully to dislocate

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ProteinWisdom. Good times.

Why. So. Serious.

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