“Woodrow Wilson smiled upward”. That line alone was worth the subscription price!

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glad I found you. your posts are both meaty and FUN!

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If anyone wants some insider information on the "Trans ideology" and how it takes hold, look no further than the Shawn Ryan podcast on YouTube, and his interview with "Kristen" Beck, Ex-SEAL team member "turned" woman, reverted back to living as a man (and by extension his actual true self.)

The first two thirds are his career history, and overwrought bragging by someone who is clearly suffering from major functional-level Autism with a good bit of your typical SEAL self grandeur thrown in for good measure. He had an interesting career if you can get through some of the aggrandizing and seems like a highly intellectual person if you are interested in that kind of thing. The last third of the podcast is the most telling segment however, especially the interview with his Fiancé about her formal education and what she believes is going on now.

The fact of the matter is, trans ideology goes after the most confused and vulnerable among us. The Marxists in power understood this, and they infiltrated the Universities and corrupted the "intellectual" teachers....who then corrupted the students. They conquered that field without a shot being fired. The Universities are Marxist breeding grounds now, and we are seeing those students come full circle inside Corporations and Education when they reach real positions of power: in Marketing and Executive decision making positions. (Side note: I don't need to explain what they are doing inside lower education, you already know.)

The only real battlefields left are the children and the family, and the latter is about 50% complete and almost impossible to fully conquer because of physiology and the need for commitment among heterosexual humans. So what do you do now?

You pile into commercialism: Big Tech, Advertisement, Entertainment Media (Disney, anybody?) and every other possible angle to start changing the minds of people from the inside-out.

Bud Light was just another example among thousands of this long march through the institutions. The fact that there is considerable backlash is a win, albeit a pyrrhic one.

Most of the people I know personally who drink Bud Light are working class chain-smoking boomer Democrats, and they have no idea who or what a Dylan Mulvaney is, let alone a "culture war."

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Excellent article.

Frankly, I don't think this ends without substantial violence.

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Likely true. But I was feeling charitable today.

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"the trans community is welcome and belongs at San Francisco State University"...note well: not trans *people*, but the trans *community*. In the rhetoric of politicians and journalists, there are no individuals, just 'communities'. Which are always defined either demographically or based on sexual practices.

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I'm now increasingly hearing a stated addendum to the alphabet cult as "Plus,plus", I suppose as a nod to anyone we may have left out but needs an identity moniker.

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Well said Mr. Goldstein. This quote makes me ill:

"It took tremendous bravery to stand in a challenging space."

Is this what the next generation of Americans will consider "challenging" and requiring "bravery"? GOOD GRIEF!

I fear for Riley's safety, I wish her well and hope she succeeds in exposing what should be treated as an illness before the violence continues.

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The "challenging space" was amidst a mob in its attack on a single individual. Their presumption of oppression is at least 30 years out of date.

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> A product of Harvard and Wharton, Heinerscheid’s lived experience with Bud Light is most likely to use it as a punchline when describing the kind of hairy men who likely never once attended the ballet or watched Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya in its original Russian.

You neglected to mention that she's also a product of the Groton School, which attempts to provide a degree of snootiness for those who couldn't get into Phillips Andover.

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She also looks like a man. Which means she grew up angry.

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Kathy Shaidle always used to roll her eyes at the conservatives who thought the left becoming an object of ridicule mattered… nobody had funnier jokes about Stalin than his own people in their breadlines… all the years of jokes in the 90s about PC stuff and sensitivity training did precisely nothing to slow DEI down… I’m just less hopeful that turning into parachute pants will hinder these villains in the least… but I’m open to hope!


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I am not sure how old Ms. Heinerscheid is, but she should have done some research regarding messing with an iconic brand prior to entrusting Bud Light to an obnoxious faux pixie like Mulvaney. Two words: New Coke.

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