Brave New Whirled
When fascism is sold as progress, and eugenics is sold as a transhumanist upgrade to nature’s random mistakes, you’re at the mouth of the elite’s man-made maelstrom
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.
The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
So begins the mission statement of the World Economic Forum, one of a constellation of global NGOs whose vision for the future is dressed in the rhetorical finery of “sustainability,” “renewables,” and “transhumanism” — all marketed as upgrades to the human condition — but whose roots are tied inextricably to what I’ve called neo-feudalism, which conjoins a central global currency, a punitive surveillance state, and the rebranding of eugenics to make it more palatable to those in an increasingly stratified global class system who (the plan is) will be pushed by a love of convenience into accepting a form of paternalistic feudalism, while also being subjected to a reworking of their consciousnesses and the deliberate reduction of their numbers. Chip technology, injectables, and bio-electronic nano tech are meant to “improve” humanity, the promise goes. And yet, it is being designed more to control us, to the point where changes in DNA structure are both possible and patentable.
As pioneering science-writer H.G Wells, himself a Eugenicist and Fabian socialist, once imagined, the future of humanity will evolve into two branching sub-species: the beautiful, healthy, vibrant aristocratic elite who design and control things; and a vast underclass of squat beasts who toil all day, then nourish themselves for the remainder of their squalid lives by eating bugs and living underground.
Have a hankering for crickets and mealworm, proles? Because that’s sustainability! Why do you hate progress? #ThomasHobbesWasTheShit!
The late Sir Julian Huxley, a globalist, former President of the British Eugenics Society, and the first Director of UNESCO following WWII (where it can be argued that Hitler relied upon, among myth and mysticism, the burgeoning idea of evolutionary synthesis later popularized by Sir Julian, who coined the term transhumanism to describe the integral relationship between humanity and mankind’s improvements over such), must have had some spirited exchanges with brother Aldous, whose own Brave New World is decidedly dystopian; meanwhile, in Sir Julian’s view, UNESCO’s mission should be as follows:
The moral for UNESCO is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realised through the means assigned to it- education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise, as the only certain means of avoiding war… in its educational programme it can stress the ultimate need for a world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.”
“At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic, and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exist in the human species will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.
(Emphasis added)
Now. If that doesn’t cause your squeakhole to pucker, you’re likely already too far gone to reach. And I greatly pity you.
Also, please wear a condom, or get fitted for a diaphragm. Because eugenics and all! But I digress.
Recall, Huxley’s UNESCO vision was a position he promoted at the end of WWII, and indeed, the eugenicists embarrassed by the “racial” extermination efforts of Hitler (and later, the predations of Stalin) began almost immediately to rebrand their efforts, beginning with secular humanism, then moving into transhumanism, and culminating in the Great Reset strategy using a more constrictive model than even China’s notoriously heavy-handed surveillance state. Hitler’s approach was crass and militaristic, so his financiers and intellectual enablers ran from the fallout without ever losing faith in its premises. (Huxley himself, for instance, replaced “race” in his writings and lectures with the far-less loaded “ethnic groups,” another term he coined, to help move past the whole unpleasantness of genocide.) Undergirding all this elite theory was the social idea of central planning and a global government, tethered to the “scientific” idea of “managing” reproduction and population through the kind of breeding once talked about openly only in chattel slaves and plow horses. And this is what the ruling class truly longs for: they fancy themselves the living gods who’ve deservedly replaced the God they believe Darwinism had finally killed off through evolutionary theory.
When the WEF talks about the glorious partnership it fosters “between public and private,” what it’s talking about is actual fascism. Because that’s precisely what fascism is — the joining of power and resources between governments and huge corporations to manage the civil order — so we should not forget for a moment that progressives in the 1920s and 30s were supporters of Mussolini, Hitler, and even Stalin — the latter of whose public school indoctrination mills gave John Dewey an intellectual hard on. And while their specific support became untenable as the body counts grew, their dedication to the ideas behind such clumsy attempts at Utopia never wavered.
It just had never been done correctly, you see!
All of which is to say, history is repeating itself. But it’s gotten both a marketing upgrade, a faster — and more easily controlled — digital communications system, and the benefit of having abandoned civics in public education in favor of identity politics, “social Justice” training, and mushy, swell-sounding propaganda.
It’s a Great Leap Forward made possible by the increasing difficulty we have looking back with an objective eye. All of which I believe is by design. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it; while those who erase history are intent on repeating it.
I bring all this up as a prelude to an interview I watched this morning between Glenn Beck and Whitney Webb, in which Webb, discussing a possible parallel economic solution to the overarching authority of central banks, digital currency, and political policy put in place by captured lawmakers to cement the pillars upon which the neo-feudalist technocracy will rest, made an offhand remark about how the central banks and governments — who are often seeded with NGO puppets — will almost certainly intervene in any way possible to destroy competing currencies like crypto.
This interview took place 12 days ago, before the stunning collapse of what now appears to be more than just a crypto Ponzi scheme run by a virtue signaling Democrat donor “billionaire” out of the Bahamas: it is starting to look like FTX was a massive money laundering operation used by pols in both parties to finance elections (he was second to Soros as a Democratic donor), and whose “collapse” will be used as the proximate cause for government regulation of crypto currency.
Now, I’m no expert on our massive intelligence infrastructure. But if this doesn’t raise your eyebrows as a potential Intel op, put me in a Napoleon hat and lock me away in a padded cell adjacent to alien abductees and werewolves. At least there we’ll be able to speak freely.
No worries, though. Maxine Waters is going to head up the investigation, with her wigs conducting the majority of the depositions from atop styrofoam heads.
Anyway, here’s the link to the Webb / Beck interview. You should watch the whole thing, as it expands on much of what I’ve written here, but you can find the bit on fighting the Great Reset and the coming war on Bitcoin at roughly the 1-hour 4-minute mark to the 1-hour 8-minute mark.
Webb has also written a 2-volume opus on the corruption of governance, which she describes as a “criminal enterprise.” One Nation Under Blackmail, volumes 1 and 2. The books focus on Epstein’s rise, origin, and involvement in affairs of government, bringing in a host of ancillary characters, some of whom you know, and others whom you will be introduced to.
Many people — including many contemporary comedians (Dan Cummins comes immediately to mind, sadly) — have begun using the quip “WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!” ironically, with the intent to cast those who warn of far-ranging coordination between people in power whose motivations may be more self-serving than altruistic, as crazed conspiracy mongers.
This in itself is another plank of the campaign to promote censorship — this time by social shaming coming from “edgy” comics who are either too dumb or too beholden to realize they are the Useful Idiots of centralized power and the eventual criminalization of speech. Their payment is social currency. But in the end, they’ll be as bankrupt as the rest of us.
Making jokes about anal sex with horses or cannibalism isn’t really edgy anymore. Hell, protein wisdom wrote shit like that two decades ago.
No. Today, being edgy is being awake, and the most revolutionary act is to tell the truth and refuse to back away from defending it, despite social pressures, deplatforming, de-banking, and threats posed by a politicized and increasingly anti-American (in the strictest sense) justice system, to do just that.
Climate change is not an existential crisis. Those pushing it as part of the de-industrialization and depopulation movement are.
Wake up, sheeple! Or one day you’ll be at a family gathering splurging on a Thanksgiving dinner of locust, then waiting for a smart car you don’t own to come take you home to your pod.
And you’ll be cognitively unable to conceive how you’re anything but contented.
All of this has been in the works for over a century. The Rockefeller Foundation’s role in the German genocide is a matter of public record. Ditto IBM. Then there’s Lockheed-Martin’s cooperation in Clinton’s Chinagate — not to mention Jeffrey Epstein’s campaigning in 1993 for Bill’s re-election, something the US media is loath to look into.
Kissinger has long been a proponent of a global governance that solves the problem of “useless eaters.
None of this is new.
Only now, binging Netflix will be the new Soma.
Aldous wept.
Julian? He’s taking a victory lap in Hell.
At least the soles of his feet must be burning.
Update: The plot thickens. What’s the connection between FTX and Ukraine?
Update 2: Jordan Schachtel has done some interesting work on the FTX scandal.
Update 3: Don’t say I didn’t warn you:
My one brush with fame:
Glenn Beck was a local morning zoo guy back in the mid-90's, friend of my roommate at the time. His show was typical derivative garbage, lots of fart noises and whistles, no politics.
Anyway, I had some good weed and my roommate asked me to get him and Glenn high as prep for some concert.
So I smoked Glenn up. Clearly a novice weed smoker, he immediately got paranoid and weird, and I felt bad as I knew I had totally ruined any chance he had at a good time that night.
Hot damn. Welcome back, Jeff. Maxine Waters heading up the investigation? Why don't I feel relieved? It's all a fucking joke. Anyhow, can't wait to read more. Take care.