Appreciate your witty exposition of reality…you are a TRUE “Truth-Teller,” Jeff. I do encourage you to read the Bible, if you don’t already. Though we are expected to stand for the TRUTH of the GOSPEL, and to wage war against the enemy and his evil minions (won’t capitalize these descriptions, but I’m of course referring to Satan), the Bible reminds us GOD WINS!

I’m praying for you to find the peace that only comes with this knowledge and through a saving relationship with Christ Jesus. Keep fighting the good fight, and may God bless and keep you safe and strong in Him. ❤️🙏🙌

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I'm not surprised I'm out of the loop but, wrt #2, I just barely know who a couple of those people are (counting Elon Musk), and don't care at all. Which leads me to #1, where I agree completely and also care little. It's definitely intended and it's definitely going to get a lot worse, even for most of those doing all of the intending, than commonly expected. Sure, a lot will skate. But for most of the ones who think they're Mastering the Universe, they'll be shocked by rats in their metaphorical Bermuda prisons sooner than they think. (Of course they think 'Never!' so I'm not making too bold a prediction.)

The thing is, most of modern civilization rests on polite fictions, and all of the 'influence' this perverse vanguard deploys depends 100% on the vast majority buying into those fictions. (I consider self-inflicted civilizational destruction perverse.) The societal engine chugs along on common acceptance of ideas such as the police will come when you call, one should pay one's taxes, licenses from the state are required before doing certain/many things, lawbreakers - even white collar ones! - are punished, contemporary 'public art' is not a bad joke, weird/crazy is not dangerous, authorities are impartial, doctors aren't trying to kill you, countries have borders, etc. Shattering those fictions, or norms, so fantastically, dramatically, and commonly as happens nowadays, sooner or later leads to normal people closing ranks, necklacing thieves, and enforcing their own selected norms.

The law-and-order chicken is not far from the roost in many places that not coincidentally overlap nicely with places so-called ruling elite (and hangers-on) prefer to swan about, most preferably lately amid masked hoi polloi. You know, all the coastal enclaves and Chicago, where photo ops showcase gem-encrusted females and Weinsteinesque males ostentatiously doing nothing. But I digress. The polite fiction that these are swell places for normal people to live has evaporated, outmigration of entire neighborhoods and everyday commerce means the normalcy on which the vanguard's illusions rest cannot be sustained. Personally I look forward to the return of tarring and feathering to replace ineffective shaming and insincere apologies. The reality of tar and feathers is horrific. But societies revert to horrible, real things when the powers that be strip away the polite fictions. Then we all hate that so much that we do the necessary labor to reconstrain ourselves in a civilization. Eventually.

Nature abhors a vacuum; human nature abhors chaos. Maybe that leads to a totalitarian interlude, or efforts in that direction, but totalitarianism will prove prohibitively expensive in America, and probably lots of other places, too. It's a big world out there and everyone (except a couple of generations here) loves the American dream.

In the meanwhile. prepare not only with stuff but especially with skills. Knowing how to do stuff is handy in itself and also the most fungible asset.

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