Leftism is not an intellectual pursuit. Its animating principle is emotion, and those who cannot control their emotions are easily seduced by the siren songs of equity, identity, and collectivism. And this explains why Leftism cannot be defeated. The men and women who do what is right and proper in spite of what their emotions would have them do, are few and far between when compared to the masses who are largely driven by desire.

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Nothing in classical liberalism requires one to view all cultures and ideas as having equal value. Cultures compete, and some are better than others.

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Ok, agree that we can and should opt out of progressive language games. But what about Classical Liberalism’s devotion to “individualism”? How do we draw a limit around that, as it seems to buttress much of the progressive agenda?

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Not really. One can do what is usually done. Choose to congregate with people of like mind/attitude/values. This is how conservatives win:

Not mentioned by the OP, leftists destroy themselves because to live by emotion is not a stable, long term strategy for control. Sooner or later (often later, to be sure), the lefty sound bites are seen for what they are (and are not) and the leaders lose their power to control. Thus, group identity, a pillar of lefty social structure, only works for so long. The competent, individualistic-oriented people leave the cult.

As an aside, this explains why the Left has to invent new crises when the current one is seen for the fraud it is.


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